Saturday, October 9, 2010

"Carlin gets nuetu-" "MMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOM!

Lena: "on the 30th of September we took Carlin to CCI to get nuet- hey! Carlin, stop making a fuss!
Carlin: "but mom, it's embarrassing!"
Lena, "but it's the truth!"
Carlin: I DON'T CARE!"
Lena: "Okay, lets make a compromise... can I show them the snoopy sculpture?"
Carlin: "fine"
Sara: "why are you talking to your self?"
Lena: "um........."


  1. Love the cone head. Hope Carlin is feeling better.Love Grand Ma

  2. He was sad about it for 0.000000000000000000001 seconds and then wanted to play!
